Sunday, April 17, 2011


    African American history is one filled with terror and discrimination not because they have a different skin color or because of their place of origin, but rather from the ignorance of men. This ignorance that fill our mind with fear and our hearts with hate, hate that keep us from evolving and from seeing that we are all unique but equal.
    That is why I propose not to change the way of thinking not of those who's mind have already been filled, but to those whose minds are just starting to see. To address the racial problem I propose that every student shall take a sociology course so that they can learn more about the importance of working together and to see society through the eyes of others. Not only shall students be reacquired to passed a class, but they shall also be required to take conferences that will promote racial love and team work so that they can learn very individual importance.
    I encourage you my fellow Congress members to pass this bill so that we can take a step forward toward ending our racial problem.



     The struggle of African Americans for Civil Rights have been going since the foundation  of  the United States. They have used many forms of protests and ways to achieve more rights, and to become equal in the eyes of the American society; but even though they have achieved much, there are still those that are suffering the effects of racism and that have not come out of a state of poverty.
    The first from of racial hate that African Americans felt was slavery. They  were oppressed by the chains of slavery for many years, but with the northern states victory in the Civil War changes came to the constitution  that gave African Americans more freedoms.  The 13th  amendment passed on December 6, 1865; made slavery and involuntary servitude illegal in the United States territories unless they were  form of punishment for crimes. Another post Civil war amendment was the 14th amendment passed on July 9, 1868; defined citizenship and ensured equal treatment for all persons born or naturalized in the United States. The last Post Civil War amendment to the constitution was the 15th amendment passed February 3, 1870; gave all male citizens of the United States the right to vote.
    With the end of the Civil War ended everything seemed to go well for African Americans, but after reconstruction a new form of oppression came. In the 1896 case of Plessy v. Ferguson made segregation legal along as it was equal. After the Plessy decision many Southern States created their own set of laws that enabled the progress of the African American community. The American society lived under this doctrine for almost a century; but after the 1954 case of Brown v. Board of eduction that made segregation unconstitutional because it was not equal many African American citizens and communities began a massive civil rights movements to end discrimination once and for all. African Americans struggle with segregation  was successful as the United Stated Congress began passing laws and amendments to the constitution giving them more Civil Rights. The Civil Rights Act of 1964;"Provides criminal penalties for discrimination in employment or voting and integrates most pubic facilities". The  24th amendment passed on January 23, 1964; :"The right of citizens of the United States to vote in any primary or other  election... shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State by reason of failure to pay any poll tax or other tax".  Voting Rights Act of 1965; "Banned literacy tests in counties where over half of eligible voters have been disenfranchised".
    Many changes have been made both in society as in the constitution. Legally African Americans are equal to the rest of society, but even today many live in poverty and are discriminated for their color. Many battles have been won but the journey has not ended and every day new obstacles are set in front of society, obstacles that have to be overcome everyday to become a fair and equal society.


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Fight for rights:

     After nearly a century of living segregated African Americans started fighting back. To challenge education inequality, social segregation, and to gain voting rights; African Americans created organizations that organized public demonstrations, and challenged racial laws in court. 
     Sice founded in 1909, the NAACP had gave assistance to many African Americans that were being unfairly charged or that their crime wasd based on racialhate. This organization used cases like Rosa Parks and Linda Browns to end with segregation. The NAACP was also responsible of organizing civil movements like the Montgomery bus Boycott, where African Americnas challenged public transportation segregation by refusing to take buses until they were integrated. After walking to work for nearly a year, the Supreme Court declared that segregatio in public transportation was unconstitutional. The Succes of movements like the Montgomery bus Boycott led to the creation of more organization and the increase in African Americnas use of civil disobedience.
     Martin Luther King Jr., a prominent leader of the bus boicott in Montgomery and the leader of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, had become the face of the civil rights movement. He, inspired by Gandi's civil rights movement in India, encouraged African Americans to practice civil disobedience and nonviolent resistance to challenge segregation. These practices cought the attention of the nation and gave theme support from the public as they were attaked unfairly by white officers and civilians. One of the ways of ways they practice Gandi's doctrine wasby using sit-ins. In sit- ins a group of African Ameircans would stay in public places and businesses until they were integrated.
     Another from of peaceful protest were the "Freedom Rides". In "Freedom Rides" black sat in the front of the bus and whites in the back to challenge bus segregation in interstate busses and to force the Federal government to enfontay anti segregationa laws.The original "Freedom Riders" left Washington DC on May 4, 1961 with the hope of reaching New Orleans on May 17 of the same year. These "Freedom Ride" ended on May 14, as the two groups of riders were attaked by mobs when they attempted to cross Alabama. Even though " Freedom Riders" could not reach New Orleans they made a valuable contribution to Civil Right movement. 
     Using civil disobedience and peaceful resistance African Americans could achived more civil rights and put an end to segregation. Their movement served as base for other civil right movements as their method of protest proved to be effective. Thanks to those barave citiznes today not only African Americans but other groups as well have gained freedom and equality, that is why we must be greatful and give them our gratitud.

"February 13, 1960, at little lunch bar at a Woolworth store in the city of Greensboro, North Carolina."
"Freedom Riders"
"Freedom riders" bus after being fire bumbed"


Abused for color:

    Throughout the history of the United states African Americans, do to their skin color, have sufered racial discrimination. They have lived through slavery, sufered the inequality of segregation, and they have fought to achive equal treatment in the American society, a strugle that still go on in preasent times.
     The first racial problem African Americans faced in the UnitedStates was slavery. Since the formation of the nation the United States slave industry had flourished, this lead to the importation of an estimated 30 to 60 africans to the nation. In the Southern States slavery was the way of life, but with time slavery began to be seen as inmoral and unhuman by the Northern States. Conflicts between the Nothern and Southern States leed to the creation of laws like the 1857 Dred Scott v. Sanford decision were the Supreme Court declared that African Americans were property therefor they had no rights. Conflicts between the two sides points of view of slavery leed the nation to a Civil War. After the Civil War freed African Americn slaves recived equal treetmant and oportunities by the passage of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments; these three amendments freed the slaves, gave them sitizenship, and gave males the right to vote. However these rights ended along with end of reconstruction in 1876. With the end of reconstruction and the Plessy versus Ferguson decision in 1892 came the age of segregation. After the Plessy versus Fergison decision , nicknamed "Jim Crow" laws, many Southern states created their own laws that keept millions of African Americans opressed by the Ku Klus Klan and the general public for nearly a century.
     Since the Foundation of the nation African Americans have sufered racial discrimination, and have had to endure centuries of phisical and emotional abuse, they have been denied rights, and in some cases even put to death. Doday, eventhough society has gone a long way from lynching and terrorism do to racial hate, the struggle still goes on as many are still denied equal treatment. Humanity is not perfect and that is why we ashumans must keep evolving to make these world safe and eaqual not only for African American in the United states, but for all.
Picture of lynching

segregated bus


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

African American Civil Rights movements

     The struggle for equality has been an important part of the United States history, it has helped shape our nation, and the  way citizens and the government view Civil Rights movements have achieved major goals like post-Civil War amendments and the legislation based on these that have not only ensured African Americans citizenship but has also helped women, minorities, disabled individuals, and other groups victims of discrimination to gain equality.
    After years of being mistreated, abused and discriminated African Americans began to challenge white power once again in a time were civil movements flourished and the people wanted change. In the nineteen hundreds groups like the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) began challenging segregation. The NAACP founded in 1909 gave legal assistance to African Americans that  were charged for civil disobedience or racial   based charges. The NAACP used cases like the one of Rosa Parks In Montgomery, Alabama to challenge segregation with nonviolent resistance. The Montgomery case led to the creation in 1957 of the clergy-led Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), a local organization led by Martin Luther King a prominent leader of the bus boycott in Montgomery. King became the main speaker but must of the black movements were organized by members of the communities. On February  1, 1960 four freshmen of the Agricultural and Technical College began a series of sit-ins in southern; these series of sit-ins lead in April 1960 to the formation of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC).  These three organizations together with the CORE helped destroyed segregation in the country Voting Rights Act of 1965.
    Today African Americans form about 12% of the United states population, but still the struggle for equality continues . Not only African Americans had fought for their rights but they served as an example for the creation of other groups. African Americans civil right movements have shift our nations constitution and our present way of life, that is why one as citizen must fight for justice and promote equal treatment to create a new and brighter future.