Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Abused for color:

    Throughout the history of the United states African Americans, do to their skin color, have sufered racial discrimination. They have lived through slavery, sufered the inequality of segregation, and they have fought to achive equal treatment in the American society, a strugle that still go on in preasent times.
     The first racial problem African Americans faced in the UnitedStates was slavery. Since the formation of the nation the United States slave industry had flourished, this lead to the importation of an estimated 30 to 60 africans to the nation. In the Southern States slavery was the way of life, but with time slavery began to be seen as inmoral and unhuman by the Northern States. Conflicts between the Nothern and Southern States leed to the creation of laws like the 1857 Dred Scott v. Sanford decision were the Supreme Court declared that African Americans were property therefor they had no rights. Conflicts between the two sides points of view of slavery leed the nation to a Civil War. After the Civil War freed African Americn slaves recived equal treetmant and oportunities by the passage of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments; these three amendments freed the slaves, gave them sitizenship, and gave males the right to vote. However these rights ended along with end of reconstruction in 1876. With the end of reconstruction and the Plessy versus Ferguson decision in 1892 came the age of segregation. After the Plessy versus Fergison decision , nicknamed "Jim Crow" laws, many Southern states created their own laws that keept millions of African Americans opressed by the Ku Klus Klan and the general public for nearly a century.
     Since the Foundation of the nation African Americans have sufered racial discrimination, and have had to endure centuries of phisical and emotional abuse, they have been denied rights, and in some cases even put to death. Doday, eventhough society has gone a long way from lynching and terrorism do to racial hate, the struggle still goes on as many are still denied equal treatment. Humanity is not perfect and that is why we ashumans must keep evolving to make these world safe and eaqual not only for African American in the United states, but for all.
Picture of lynching

segregated bus


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